Yester Castle & Goblin Hall
In October 2018, I took a family trip to Scotland which was a dream come true. It's one of the most beautiful places on earth. During that trip, my favorite castle turned out to be a ruin with an unusual lore that I'd heard about. In the 13th century, the Laird of Yester was widely known as a wizard and necromancer (someone who calls spirits and demons to tell the future), and was even called upon by the king to help win important battles. Hugo de Giffard is even written about by the Scottish Poet, Sir Walter Scott.
He is most well known for the Coulston Pear, and the building of Goblin Hall in Yester Castle. Legend has it that Hugo called upon the Devil and made a pact, raising an army of goblins (like you do) who built Hugo a subterranean chamber where he could practice his dark arts. The chamber is one of the few parts of the castle still in existence, and I had to see it.
My sisters, brother in law, and I trekked through two pastures, a golf course, and half a wood before we came upon the ruins. The first thing you see is a massive tower that would have been part of the gate.
Following those steps down, you can peer behind the bars, and see a huge chamber with the remains of a large fireplace.
You can also see two arched doors leading off of each side, one down into impenetrable darkness.
There's an eeriness about the castle, undoubtedly due to the quietness of the forest and the lore of its origins. But even if the legend surrounding Hugo de Giffard are simply tall tales, there's a magic in the very soil of Scotland. You can feel it. I love it there.
It truly is like a fairy tale to see it.
But standing there, we wondered where Goblin Hall was. Looking around, all you see is trees. I explored a little more, and maybe fifty feet away, I suddenly found a two or three story high stone wall that was completely hidden by overgrowth. It blends in so well, that it takes you by surprise.
In that wall is an arched doorway, and to the left, a set of stairs leading down to a barred doorway.
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