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Time Flies... Like It Or Not.

I've come to realize one important truth: Time flies whether you're having fun or not. That, and that fate doesn't always have the same plans as you. Ever notice that? This time last year, I had big plans for writing full time. I'd recently quit my full time job and was working away at that goal when fate interceded. In the months that followed, hubby and I sold one home, bought another, and moved across country. We are now happily settled into a new home in Florida and there is light on the horizon for my hubby who has been in unimaginable pain for a year.

What's all this mean? Simply that all plans for a new book have been on hold until now. I'm excited to report that I am back to work and delving back into the Lords of Magic world. Next up is Nikolai of Semar who has quite a story to tell. If you are wondering, I do plan to return to the Gypsy Curse world, but I'm not sure when. Thomas and Jeffrey have clammed up.

Check back here for updates, or find me on Facebook. Now that things have calmed down, you should find me there more often. And who knows, I might get crazy and post on Twitter too! ;)

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